The Newton method for scalar optimizations

In this section, we will look for numerical solutions to the minimization of the function \[\begin{equation} \require{physics} f : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R} : \vb{x} \mapsto f(\vb{x}) \thinspace . \end{equation}\]

Given a current guess \(\vb{x}_k\), we can calculate the derivative with respect to \(\vb{p}_k\) of equation \(\eqref{eq:second_order_Taylor}\) and setting it to zero (the zero vector). This leads to an equation for the so-called Newton step: \[\begin{equation} \label{eq:Newton_step_scalar} \vb{H}(\vb{x}_k) \vb{p}^\text{N}_k = - \grad{f(\vb{x}_k)} \thinspace , \end{equation}\] in which \(\vb{H}(\vb{x}_k)\) is the Hessian at the current point \(\vb{x}_k\) and \(\grad{f(\vb{x}_k)}\) is the gradient at the current point \(\vb{x}_k\). Using this Newton step, we can formulate an algorithm to minimize a scalar function:

  1. Choose an initial guess \(\vb{x}_0\).

  2. In iteration number \(k+1\), calculate the Newton step by solving equation \(\eqref{eq:Newton_step_scalar}\).

1.Update the current guess: \[\begin{equation} \vb{x}_{k+1} = \vb{x}_k + \vb{p}_k \end{equation}\]

  1. Calculate the gradient \(\grad{f(\vb{x}_{k+1})}\) and the Hessian \(\vb{H}(\vb{x}_{k+1})\) at the new point \(\vb{x}_{k+1}\).

  2. Repeat steps \(\ref{enum:scalar_Newton:solve_Newton_step}\) to \(\ref{enum:scalar_Newton:gradient_Hessian}\) until convergence on the norm of \(\vb{p}_k\) is achieved, given a tolerance \(\epsilon\): \[\begin{equation} \norm{\vb{p}_k} < \epsilon \thinspace . \end{equation}\]

It is interesting to note that this method is exactly equal to the one described in section \(\ref{sec:systems_of_equations:newton}\) if we make the parallel that the vector field \(\vb{f}\) in that section is the gradient of the scalar function \(f\) in this section.